
Friday, January 5, 2018

More Read Alouds in 2018

I love love love reading to my students.  But I also know that there are a bazillion other things I need to do with my kiddos.  But one of my WIG (Wildly Important Goals) for 2018 is to read aloud to my students every single day.  How am I going to do that?  What are my short goals and how will I stay accountable?

1.  One read aloud a day will be written in my plans for either reading or writing time.  I might not get the whole book read, but my instruction must be grounded in a text.

2.  Another way I can do a read aloud is by posting stories on Seesaw or reading during guided reading.  

3.  How will I stay accountable?  Once a week I will post what books I have read to my students in the previous week.  I am going to choose Thursdays to do that.  I am going to go pencil that in my calendar right now.

Right now we are studying snow, so that will be the theme of my text selections.  Can I count articles as read aloud?  Hmmmm.....I will have to think about that.  

Here's to more read aloud in 2018!

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