
Friday, January 26, 2018

Finding the Good and Encouraging the Growth

I had a rough day the other day and by the end of the day I felt discouraged.  But I had my wits about me enough to remember that it WAS a good day.  I started writing things on my white board that brought joy to me and moments where my students shone.  I just kept writing and writing and writing (19 items when I stopped).  And guess what?  I turned that frown upside down. (Yes, I did just say that.) This whole thinking-of-the-good thing works.  Most days, anyway.  When I remember to apply it.  

It is SO easy for the hard things to creep in and exhaust me and wear me out.  That's the natural default.  There are plenty of things in my environment that can get me down.  To find the good and lobby for the good and see the good takes intentionality.  I'm in.    

As far as correcting mistakes goes, I see that one of them is going to take a while to sort out.  

Sticking to the plan and sticking to the times.  

I am basically following the allotted time slots.  Most certainly getting my 90 minutes of reading every day. 

I have to point out the good of it. (see above) I get so engrossed in what I am doing that I go over.  But because of that I really must set a timer for EVERYthing.  

It is so easy for me to slip into a place of self-doubt.  Reflecting helps keep me grounded.  Putting my thoughts in writing is helping me:

  • notice my areas of growth and make plans for change.
  • celebrate the things that are going well.
  • work towards my goals and stay accountable. 

It's a bit like sitting down and having a cup of coffee with an honest and encouraging friend.  And who doesn't love that?

Joy in our hearts
Joy in the room
Joy in the learning

1 comment:

  1. I love this!!! I need to set more goals for myself just like this! More self reflection! Yes!
