
Sunday, April 15, 2018

Rabbit Hole and Gratitude

Image result for rabbit hole quotes
I stumbled upon this blog post this weekend: 

Oh my.  Talk about a rabbit hole!  I'm not sure if you call it a rabbit hole if you truly understanding that you are most definitely not putting FIRST THINGS FIRST, but are having so much fun that it is worth setting aside pesky priorities.  

How invigorating!  How exciting.  I knew what I was doing, but have to admit, that I'm not sure if I could have stopped even if I wanted.  There is something about reading about fresh, new options and ideas that is invigorating.  Stay tuned and I will report what I found later.  

This I know.  Though I am not 100% "prepared" for the week (yet), I am totally ready to hop back into school tomorrow.  Why? one might ask.  Here's why:

1.  This week we get to test out a Global Expedition with Mr. Jerlecki on Tuesday.
2.  We are continuing our study of great women and I am looking forward to some more thinking and discussing and reading and writing this week.
3.  I get to work with other classes exploring some new venues, activities, and challenges.
4.  I got groceries, so I have good food in the house and a bottle of wine, too.
5.  We get to go to the park this week. 
6.  Dentist appointment Tuesday morning, which I don't love, but it does give me a little more wiggle room in the morning.
7.  Team Awesome 174 is going to explore Write About, a blogging platform that I want to learn more about.

My kiddos are keeping gratitude journals in Book Creator right now.  We are finding ways to wire our brains for gratitude.  Someone in another class said a wise thing the other day.  They were talking about appreciation and she said, "Well, you don't have to LIKE it, but you can still appreciate the thought." (in reference to a gift)  I think that was a great thought.  Even the things that don't go well this week or are hard or frustrating or bumpy, I can appreciate the learning I am dos
ng and the growth I am experiencing because of those challenges.  Too Pollyanna?  
Right?  No such thing on a Sunday night as being TOO Pollyanna!

Joy in our hearts
Joy in our community
Joy in our learning       


Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Good Day Sunshine

As I walked my kiddos out the to bus today I caught myself listing all the things that went wrong today. Like, that is the instinct I have.  That's a pretty shitty thing to do to myself.  But how to change?  I need to build a new habit.  Obviously this is not gonna "just happen".  Time for a new goal!

I'm all for reflecting, and that is where my mind goes at the end of the day.  Oh my.  I just noticed that I connect reflecting with things I've done wrong.  I can't believe I just did that.  Like, I reflect on things that I want to do differently next time.  

Aha moment happening!  Reflecting on the good things does this (just making this up off the top of my head):

1.  Puts a smile on your face and calms your weary heart
2.  Helps you to see what went well, so that THAT can keep happening
3.  Brings to the front of your mind happy moments from the day

I haven't read the research, but that kind of reflecting just HAS to make me a stronger and happier teacher.  Right?  

I'm gonna give it a try.  Most certainly can't HURT to try and run through the positive in my mind first.  You know another reason I start with the negative?  "If I don't, I can't get better."  "If I don't focus on the negative, I will become a slacker and accept status quo."  Which really is ridiculous when I stop and think about it.

That's a goal I can get behind.  If I can remember. Maybe some kind of visual reminder.  I'll let it simmer.  Here's what I am going to think about every day after school.  See if that helps.

Good Day, Sunshine! oh YAH!

Monday, April 9, 2018


What is the phenomenon called when you put something off and then the longer you wait, the more grand the something has to be when you actually do it?  There's gotta be a name for that.  Procrastination + Grandiosity =  Procrastiosity?  That's what I've done with posting on my blog here.  But if I am only posting for myself, that need not matter.  So here I am, Self.  With some reflecting to do.

Today I tried something different.  During read-to-self, I went around and talked with each child for 1 minute.  Today was casualish, like, "How's it going?" and "How's your day going?" and, "How was your break?"  I had wondered if a minute could count for anything, but you can actually get a lot said/heard in a minute.  I. loved. it.  

Now I need to think about how to incorporate this kind of practice in different ways, so I get more one-on-one time with my kiddos.  I think I will experiment this week and see where it leads me.  Have speed-conferences about reading or writing.  

Really amped up what I had our student of the day do today.  I said, "Man, I am working you hard."  He replied, "I kinda like it."  Shoot.  Another reminder I am doing too much!  Bring on the leaders.  

The end of the day always seems to be a bit of a struggle for us.  This article came across my desk and so I am trying to implement this routine.  A Lovely Silent Well Behaved way to End Each Day

Timing was a little off today, but I already so improvements.  Must train them better tomorrow (i.e. let them know what the system is, exactly).  

It was a good day today.  I can actually say I had fun today.  

Oh!  Tried out the Authentic Literacy Template form Focus given to us by our fearless curriculum leader.  Figuring out how to best use it with my kiddos, but today we did a poem and it was quite invigorating.  

One thing I need to "fix": Class discussion.  I gave it 10 minutes and 7 students had a chance to talk.  The others were not listening very well.  It is supposed to help everyone, so I need to think about how to get more participation.  Tomorrow I will try Wagon Wheel.  I think some collaborative structures will hold the answer for me. 

Joy in our hearts
Joy in our room
Joy in our learning